Hi, this is Chris from SoundpiX, and I am setting up our website right now – exciting stuff!
Well how did we five musicians of SoundpiX got to know each other? Well I met our Baseplayer Ronny in 1994, when I joined the local band „Jalopy“ (at this time Markus on voc and keyboard, Arigo on base, Ronny on guitar, and Stephan on drums). After about a year I quit the band, but was still in contact with the band.
I met Ronny much later, about 2018 or so, and talked about making music. He told me, he has an open project in mind, where musicians can participate. I was focussing on visual arts at this time and postponed the idea.
But then in 2021, when the winter was dark and so was the situation in arts, I stepped into our rehearsal room to find Ronny jamming with two other musicians (and one of them was Mario who also became part of SoundpiX!). Well I joined in to jam, had a lots of fun, realised that I still can play some guitar stuff 🙂 And with time the „just for fun“ developed into a serious band project.
Now we searched for other musicians, and as life is, a few drummers contacted us. Well and that makes for Thomas, who joined in for drums in SoundpiX.
Finally, the odds have it that you find people where you never expect, I met Reinhard on vaccation. He was very eager to get back to play some serious guitar, as he did in 1993 with the band „Black Acid“, a great heavy metal crossover project at that time.
After playing a great show (although the sound system was having problems) at the Rock Rodaun Festival in 2023, our base player Ronny quit in fall and we had to search for someone able to take over. Luckily we got known to Pedi, found out soon that sympathy and working together was perfect. So Pedi is with us now on the base!
So here we are:
SoundpiX“, das sind fünf Musiker, die aus dem Leben gegriffene Situationen in ernste bis ironische Metaphern verpacken. Die Songs sind ein Mix aus Rock, Reggae, und Funk – das Resultat einer phantastischen gemeinsamen Reise, mit Inspirationen von Perchtoldsdorf über Rodaun bis Portugal.”(And gettin‘ caught in the rain.)
SoundpiX about SoundpiX 🙂
Now, that you know everything about our history, let’s talk about future acts: our BLOG, to see what we do next!